Sunday 27 November 2016

Autumn leaves, buzzards overhead and some Christmas gifts from the woods

Autumn is shifting towards winter in the woods, but there's some lovely sights right now, such as this carpet of leaves:
DSC_5462 Autumn woodland

The regrowth in the area we cut a year ago is still hanging on to a few leaves:
DSC_5459 Autumn woodland

But most of the trees are bare, and the sun is low in the sky:
DSC_5453 Autumn woodland

Just as I was finishing my lunch during a day of coppicing, I heard the familiar call of a Buzzard overhead. As pigeons scattered in terror, I grabbed the camera and managed to snap a few long-distance photos of them. One day I'd like to have my own hawk flying in the woods...
DSC_5477 Buzzards

DSC_5474 Buzzard

DSC_5475 Buzzard

It was back to work after that though - things are progressing pretty well, we're well past the oak tree you can see towards the rear of this picture:
DSC_5488 Coppicing

DSC_5495 Coppicing

Meanwhile, we've also been preparing some produce for the Rye Christmas Market.Quite a bit went into making these. They've been collected in the woodland, dried for over a year, stripped of soft dead wood, wire brushed and finally shaped so they are stable and have a place to take a tea-light candle.




That's all for now...
