Friday 18 January 2008

Allotments and fires


Just in case you all think I never write on the blog, I thought I would. I still don't remember how to do photos though!
We have had a busy and a good time! On Saturday we went with our friend Emma to her allotment - we are going to all work on it together, as Emma and Heather (other friend) decided a double allotment would be fun. Sadly it is somewhat overgrown! So, lots of clearing later, we found a shed, a bed and a gnome.
We also had a big fire in the evening (run by Mike) to burn lots of stuff. Justin joined us for the fire, after which Mike became very unpopular for thrashing us all at monopoly!

Pete and Tom are STILL moulting and feathers are everywhere. They are enjoying it here, although I think the miss the tourists! Tom is finally eating seeds from our fingers, although he has to hiss first in case we are a snake!


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