Friday 18 January 2008

A day of rest


After six days straight working in the wood, we decided Sunday really should be a day of rest, not least because we're both a bit achy and I've been getting some tingling in my right hand - the last thing I want is carpal tunnel syndrome from the sudden change in work. So, while at church in the morning we invited some friends from there to come up to the wood in the afternoon, as it was good weather and they'd not had a chance to visit yet.

We also saw this guy there, though I don't really think he should be out this early in the year:

Here's the current state of the area we're working in. You'll notice the large brash pile is now gone!

It was nice to have a "social" day at the wood again, with a bunch of people round the fire:

And of course everyone had a go at felling a tree (so although it was a day of rest for us, we got the visitors working!)

The guys look particularly pleased with that last one!

I'm back to my other job (Ashden Awards) for 3 days this week, and then full time after that, so the coppicing is going to slow down a little now. I think Tracy will go up on her own a few times and do some work there though.


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