Friday 18 January 2008

A new home (again)


In a bizarre twist of circumstances we are going to be moving house in 3 weeks! Yes, 3 weeks, not long to pack this time!
Our little flat in Rye was a perfect start here and we got to know some lovely people - but it is very cold and some mould is growing indoors! Our landlady is going to fix the place up and was happy to let us out of the contract early - and we have found a lovely new flat! Its only 10 minutes walk from here and is spacious and new and warm!

This is the view from the small bedroom.

This is half of the kitchen!

The main bedroom

Another view

The lounge is HUGE and we think Pete and Tom will love flying around in it! We will detune the TV!

More lounge

and more lounge....

Although the house comes furnished, we will have room for most of our furniture anyway! We will have lots of places to sit and the spare room comes a single bed with a secret hidden bed underneath. The bathroom is cool with a funky shower - that only shorter people can fit under!

We have still got to work out what to do with our bikes....

We are so thankful to God for giving us this new, warmer, bigger and cheaper home!

Love Tracy

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