Friday 18 January 2008

New Year coppicing


After a rest from coppicing while visiting family, we got straight back into the work when we returned. We were up there on New Year's Eve, and again on New Year's day, though with a slightly later start...

Here's a few pictures of how the area is looking now:

As you can see, it is now so clear that you can see our shelter in the final photo, which was taken from the entrance to the wood.

We did have one problem today though:

This chestnut fell slightly to the side due to the way its weight was distributed, so instead of missing the oak as I'd intended, it got firmly wedged in its branches. I was not best pleased, as a winch was required to get it down:

However, after a bit of experimentation, the winch did the job, though I had to assist with a pole to get the tree moving:

Once it had moved a little though, the pole on its own was sufficient to lever the tree along, and before long the tree was on the ground:

Of course, it was during all this that our neighbours from the next-door wood popped round, and I was a bit embarrassed that they saw a tree felled not-quite-right, but at least they got to see the hard bit of felling trees, when things don't happen quite according to plan.

There's a more detailed post on dealing with a hung up tree here.

We're working up there every day this week, so there'll be another update in a few days. It might even snow on Thursday, so we'll get some good pictures hopefully!

Oh, and I should also include a couple of in-flight photos of Pete and Tom, just to show how much they love their new home. I particularly like the second picture, of Tom cornering tightly!


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