Friday 18 January 2008

Thursday in the wood


Last Thursday my brother (Andy) came with his family (Rachel and Joshua) to visit, and my parents also came for a day as well, as they were in the area. Another brash-burning fire was needed, and Andy was keen to try out his "fire steel" to get the fire going without the use of matches:

Once some dry grass was used as the tinder, this worked, and everyone got involved feeding the fire, or taking turns holding baby Joshua:

I also had a big job for my Dad and Brother to help me with:

Hard work as you can see - we could only just carry it between us! It's a chestnut log that was at the other end of our wood, and was felled last winter, before we owned it. We plan to use part of it buried vertically in the ground to make a chopping block for use with an axe.

We made an interesting discovery on Thursday as well: in one of the adjacent woods, you can see through to a field where the wild boar have been quite destructive:

We'd seen this before, but this time my Dad noticed where they are getting through from the wood to the field:

We've informed the owner of the field, who we happen to know already, as the fence is theirs.

And finally for Thursday, another interesting mushroom:


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