Friday 18 January 2008

Water in the wood


After the week's rain, we were expecting to find quite a bit of water in the wood. But we didn't expect to have a little waterfall!

Or if you'd like to see it moving, and with sound:

The other end of the culvert was working nicely too:

However, what we'd forgotten to allow for was the fact that with all the leaves and twigs, the stream was liable to spread out upstream:

and make its way onto the track by a different route, with this result:

It wasn't too difficult to remedy though - I just cut a notch in the bank at the edge of the track on the downstream side to let the water drain off and back into the stream. I think one of this summer's jobs will be to dig a ditch on the upstream side to guide the water into the culvert.

Our pond wasn't affected much by the rain, as it is fed from a spring, but Tracy took the opportunity to rake some of the leaves out of it:

The rest of the day was coppicing as normal, and we also met up with our neighbour Colin, and had a look at the source of our stream, which is in his wood.

There was one awkward tree which seemed to have forked not far off the ground, and so each stem had to be felled separately:

After felling it, it turned out that it was actually two independent stems, which had merged for a short part of their length, as can be seen from the sections below:

It looks like it's going to rain most days this week, and I've got to work 5 days as well, so it'll probably be next Saturday before we're up at the wood again.


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