Friday 18 January 2008

Weekend in the wood


Friday was the first time we tried cycling to the wood instead of driving. We went up on a bridleway, but this turned out not to be the gravel track I was hoping for, but a vague path across fields! We'll be sticking to the round route from now on. While we had our bikes up in the wood, we though it would be good to explore the public footpaths that are around the area. This started out OK, but as the footpath gradually faded away we were left struggling through undergrowth pushing our bikes:

On Saturday our friends Paul and Fiona came to visit, and were keen to get busy with a saw, so we identified a couple more silver birch to be coppiced to let some more light down to the woodland floor. They displayed good teamwork in tree felling!

After carrying the logs over to the pile, it was time for a cup of tea, and the smoke from the Kelly Kettle made for a nice view through the trees:


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