Friday 18 January 2008

The Weekend


Well, we had a nice sunny weekend, while other parts of the country seemed to be underwater. I'm sure it will be the turn of our region at some point in future - there are three rivers meeing at Rye, and the sea as well! I'm just glad our house is up on a hill, though I imagine this hill could end up with a moat round it!

We visited the Baptist church on Sunday morning, which seems like a really good place - very focused on God and on prayer. In the afternoon we went up to the wood for a bit, and took one of our neighbours from Rye up to see it. We also met the new owners (Colin and Sue) of the wood next to ours. They're quite into wildlife stuff, and will probably be doing a bit of coppicing where it is beneficial for the local environment. Hopefully we'll be able to do some bits of work with them, and maybe share machinery when we need to hire it.

Here's a picture of the ride we cleared last week - it's a ver old one, which you could have missed before if you didn't know it was there! As you can see now, it's a lot more visible.

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