Friday 18 January 2008

Windy weekend


Well it was blowing a gale on Sunday! We went down to the beach at dusk and watched the waves crashing in - very cool, especially as it went dark!

Tracy went up to the wood yesterday to see if the wind had done much damage, but there was nothing serious, just a few small dead trees blown over in Sweep Wood, which is next to ours:

While she was there, she taped off the section we are going to coppice first. This is for safety, to warn any walkers who have strayed from the public footpath at the edge of the wood that something is going on:

She also did a bit of prep work on some stools, removing the small branches so we go go straight in with the chainsaw at the weekend.


The rain had left its mark too - there's water in the culvert now! I expect I'm going to need to do some digging to lower the outflow side a bit...

We took a trailer load of chestnut stumps down the road this evening to a guy who is going to sandblast them for us, then we can have a go at turning them into interesting things, like candle holders. Guess what everyone's getting for Christmas...


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