Sunday 9 March 2008

Rounding up the stragglers

There's not that many trees left in our felling area now, so we're spending the next few visits clearing them up. Here's a patch we targeted this afternoon:
And here it is in progress:
The dark clouds gathered:
and it did actually rain on us for 5 minutes, but with the clouds racing overhead so fast it cleared again quite quickly and the sun came out.

We also did some work down at the far end of the triangle we're felling, and the strip between the ride and the border at that end is now finished:
Of course that leaves the birch still to tackle:
and in the middle of them is this tangled mess:
In yesterday's post I promised a photo of how we're leaving the coppice stools to promote the best regrowth, so here it is:
And finally, here's Pete and Tom having fun:


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