Sunday 4 May 2008

First adder pictures and video!

Another warm and sunny day up in the wood... we went up after lunch with some of the others, ready to do a bit of work and also just enjoy the day.
The chestnut trees had visibly grown their leaves just since yesterday!
Anyway, the important thing today was that I saw my first adder! Tracy and Rachel had gone for a walk on the path in the wayleave (opposite side to the track we drive on) when they spotted it. Rachel waited with it while Tracy came and fetched the rest of us - the snake seemed to think if it stayed still it was invisible, so was still there when we arrived:
Here's a crop of its head from the photo above:
With five of us stood around watching it, the snake decided that it must have been spotted, and decided to escape:

Well, I'm pleased to have seen one at last, and also get pictures and a video!


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