Monday 26 May 2008

On the beach

Well, it might have been a wet bank holiday weekend for some parts of the UK, but with Rye being, on average, in the sunniest corner of the country, the Saturday and Sunday were actually very good! We went down to Pett Level beach on Sunday afternoon, just to sit in the sunshine and take a few pictures:
More follows in the rest of the post, including pictures of birds, boats and an autogyro...They seem to like nesting on the cliff:
or just hanging around watching the humans down on the beach:
I like this shot, looking up at the cliff:
Birds weren't the only flying thing down there, there was an autogyro too:
and a jet ski:
and a rescue boat:
which came to give a warning to a group of boys playing on the rocks - they got taken away in the boat!

As we left there were hints of the rain due to come that night:

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