Friday 18 July 2008

Badgers and firewood

I had my friend Alex visiting today. We cycled down to the beach in the morning, and then took lunch up to the wood, where I sawed up a couple of birch logs and then Alex tried out the maul - I think he'll be buying one!
We filled the wheelbarrow and then emptied it into Alex's car - he'll be burning it this winter (the wood, not the car). Then we went off on a walk around the woods to look at the wildlife...

Plenty of butterflies in the wayleave, even though it was cloudy. I got a picture of this Small White (I think):
Over in Sweep Wood we saw an old badger sett:

but what caught my attention was the new digging, it looks the badgers have moved back in:
They weren't the only things digging - there were moles too (apologies for the flash photo):
It might be interesting to go out and spy on the badgers one evening...

We're not at the wood tomorrow - out all day at the SWOG meeting.


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