Tuesday 1 July 2008

Moving targets

We were up at the wood on Saturday, and I spent some time photographing flies, just to see what I could achieve with the new camera. I was pleased with the results:
Of course, there's plenty to attract flies and other wildlife these days, such as the honeysuckle and brambles in flower:The coppice stools are still growing well, some are now a metre (3 feet) tall:
We also had a charcoal burn going - I like the heat haze you get over the kiln:
and our friends Justin and Emma came to visit, just to relax and whittle some sticks.
We had a customer too (J. Martin Rustic Garden Furniture), coming to buy chestnut poles for making garden furniture, taking away a nice truck load:
We had a job to do as well - a coppice stool had fallen over in Grist Wood, across the public footpath into our wood. As Roy and Patricia aren't up that often we offered to clear it up for them, and got to work:
We've left the stool tidied up, and the logs stacked in Grist Wood:

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