Monday 7 July 2008

New chainsaw!

Well, with Tracy doing her chainsaw training in August, we were going to need two saws anyway... so while we were at the shop getting her protective trousers and boots, we got a saw as well. Got the Husqvarna 570 - didn't see much point in having two saws the same size, so this one's bigger than the one we already have! 70cc as opposed to 50cc, and will run up to a 32" bar, compared to 20" on the smaller saw. Tracy will use the smaller one, and I'll use the bigger one - it's about 50% heavier, so I shall be building up some muscles no doubt...

There are two reasons for getting the larger saw, both in the future:
- so that we can do occasional chainsaw milling of some of the trees we fell to make use of them in various ways. (The 346 would struggle for milling, as it;'s a smaller engine)
- so that I can fell larger trees myself in future, after doing medium size tree felling training (no definite plans here, but having a saw that can run a longer bar is the first step).

More on it later in the week, when I've had a chance to play with it, doing some logging! :-)


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