Sunday 21 September 2008

More mushrooms

Just a collection of mushroom pictures from our wood and the wayleave just outside it. The first one's Fly Agaric, the rest I don't know...


  1. the next on could be a death-cap, followed by a false death cap.

    The grass & mossy one is a bolete of some kind

    The third one from the end is a red cracked bolete (penultimate one the same?)

    Last on, who knows. Some kind of brittle gill or russula

  2. Cheers for the suggestions, I'll look them up. Did you mean Panther Cap, rather than Death Cap though? I think Death Cap is white. Or am I looking at the wrong picture?


  3. I thought the third image might have been - as the ones I have seen can be quite brown.

    I think you're right about the panther cap - maybe not a false death cap. I know I wouldn't eat it :)

  4. It's the fifth down I thought might be panther cap. We have a fungi ID walk in the wood on Saturday, so if we spot it then we can ask. (I think you might be coming to join us?)
