Monday 22 September 2008

New "facilities"

We've got a class from a school Tracy sometimes teaches at coming to visit the wood on Thursday, to learn about wildlife, coppicing, etc. With 30 nine-year-olds and supervising adults, we though it was probably time we built a toilet...

So, I ordered a "toilet tent" from ebay, and bought a cheap toilet seat from a plumbing supplies shop just down the road. With the help of my brother Andy (who was visiting with his family last week), I made a frame from some chestnut and fixed the toilet seat to it:
The frame was then bolted onto a couple of short poles, which themselves rest in grooves cut into two large logs, which are flattened on the bottom to stop them rolling:
After trimming the large logs to size, the whole thing fitted neatly inside the tent, along with a bucket of sawdust for covering up after each visit:
I'm sure the whole set-up will be much appreciated by visitors who've had to squat behind trees up until now! ;-)


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