Monday 27 October 2008

Small Woodland Owners Group

The small woodland owners group are meeting again!
The event is free of charge and open to any interested people.
For more information see the swog website...

8th November 2008, at the Woodland Enterprise Centre, Flimwell, East Sussex.

David and Sheila from Batbox:

Bat types and habitat
Echo location
Foreign bats
Leaflets and further info about bats
Info about Bat Boxes
And real live bats to look at too!

Patrick Roper on
‘To coppice or not to coppice: some conservation controversies’

Patrick has worked as a consultant ecologist since 1993 and works closely with the
Woodland Trust on management plans. Patrick manages the Rare Species Inventory for
the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre in a professional capacity and has appeared on
wildlife programmes on radio and television on many occasions including the national
2007 and 2008 Springwatch on BBC television.
His most amazing feat is that he has studied the Wild Service tree, Sorbus torminalis, for
over 30 years!!

Fiona Tooth will chat with us about
‘Bang to Rights’: Rights and responsibilities of owning woodland and Q & A

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