Sunday 7 December 2008

First hard frost in the wood

Sunday was cold! When we got to the wood at 1pm, to collect firewood and meet a friend, we found the track in the wayleave was still frozen solid, which makes it ideal for driving on without causing any wear and tear. There were some frozen puddles near our entrance:
It stayed around zero for the whole day, and in the shade there were patches of frost throughout the afternoon
Sean, who we were meeting there today as he was in the area, showed us a neat tool he had, which looked like a billhook on a longer handle. It's called a "bush hook" apparently.
It did a good job of sharpening stakes, and Sean said he also used it for splitting smaller logs and hacking brambles.
We left with the moon rising above the trees
and the sunset behind the pylons
Although the pylons look a bit ugly, we put up with them because without them there would be no wayleave, along with all the wildlife that lives in it.


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