Saturday 31 January 2009

A new woodland neighbour

My friend Alex was visiting yesterday - he's recently bought a plot of woodland next to ours, and this was his first visit since completing the purchase. So, I took a few hours off work in the middle of the day and we went up to have a look round the woods.

It's still pretty wet, after the rain earlier in the week:
and the seasonal stream in his wood is flowing nicely:
We found an interesting animal track, boar we think:
you could see where they crossed the stream, after which they head across the wayleave:
With the leaves off the trees you notice a lot more, and I loved this old coppiced hornbean:
We also took a rather precarious load of stakes back in the trailer for a customer at the allotment, though because the track was wet we pushed the trailer up to where the stakes were rather than driving. Thankfully it's a light trailer and easy to push!

Tomorrow we're off to a SWOG event to learn all about pest control, which in woodland generally means squirrels, rabbits and deer.


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