Sunday 5 April 2009

Catching up - more photos of the boar skull

The last couple of weeks have been very busy at work for me, hence the small number of posts to the blog. Things are a bit quieter now, so let's do some catching up...

First, some more pictures of the boar skull I mentioned earlier. We went to collect it to deliver to the guy Tracy knows who works for the People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) - he'll use it when he's doing lectures.
The first thing to do was separate the spine from the skull, which Paul helped with:
I'll spare you the picture of the remains of the brain leaking out the back of the skull!

The spine has gone to a local school where Tracy teaches sometimes - a member of staff has access to an autoclave, and will get it cleaned up for the kids to have in the classroom.
We didn't have to boil the skull in the end, as we met someone from PTES on Saturday at the SWOG meeting, and passed it over then.
More posts coming up over the next day or two...


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