Saturday 27 June 2009

Four pence and a tent peg

That was the grand total of our haul after an hour metal detecting on the beach yesterday evening!
But we also collected bits of litter to put in a bin, and had a nice walk.

We had a great time away at Jon & Polly's wedding (where I was best man), but after the hot drive back it was great to get out and wander along the beach.

There's loads of black-headed gulls around now:
They like to come down to the beach in the evening
and scavenge for food the careless humans have dropped
back at home we have herring gull chicks now:
and the parents watching over them carefully:
We're off up to the wood today, first just me to meet a guy who's interested in buying a wood for producing wood-fuel, and then later with friends from church. We had a big group up there last Saturday, many of them students on the Christian Rural and Environmental Studies course that a friend runs. I did a presentation for them on Peak Oil, then one on woodland, and we then went to the wood for lunch, a walk round and discussion.
There was about 20 people, and they all seemed to enjoy the day!


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