Thursday 30 July 2009

Rare Breeds Centre

Last week, when we had our friends visiting, we took the kids (Kezziah, Karis and Callum) to the Rare Breeds Centre, near Ashford. I think the highlight for me was the birds of prey, such as this Eagle Owl:When the smaller birds were out, they invited spectators to join in, Karis had this owl come nad land on her:
And she successfully launched it back into the air again:
My turn came with an American Harris Hawk though:
There was lots of other stuff there too, including animal pens you could go into for a closer encounter:
and various other farmyard creatures:
I was particularly impressed by the size of this boar:
There were a few exotics there too:
and away from the animals there was stuff like trailer rides:
and an assult course in the woods:
All in all a great day out, and I'd strongly recommend it, especially for kids.


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