Wednesday 15 July 2009

We've been a bit busy,,,

Sorry it's all gone a bit quiet here. Tracy's away at a wood fair in Yorkshire for work, and I've bought a new hard drive so have been reinstalling software on my laptop.

For those with a technical interest, I've installed Mandriva Linux, and within that I'm using VirtualBox to create a virtual machine that runs Windows XP. This basically means Windows is running inside Linux, but is fooled into thinking it has a whole computer to itself. It's handy for running the one or two applications I have that are only available for Windows (e.g. camera software), and means I can finally go back to using Linux after seven or eight years away from it! :-)

I'll admit to still having a basic Windows setup on another partition on the hard drive, just in case something in this transition doesn't go according to plan...


p.s. if the above seems a bit incongruous coming from someone who uses a chainsaw in the woods, remember my old job involved doing this kind of stuff...


  1. Good call! I've heard that some apps actually run faster in VirtualBox than native!

    What was the camera app you were missing? Have you seen ufraw? With the other image handling apps like Krita, Digikam etc, that pretty much does it for me :)

    Anyway, welcome back after your time in over on the Dark Side. You were missed, Mike!

  2. The camera software is Silkypix, which I paid about £70 for a couple of years ago. It's good for quick batch processing of lots of RAW files, allowing you to selectively apply processing parameters to groups of them, and tweak them individually as required. With a digital SLR and a woodland, there's a lot of RAW photos to process...

    I'll be looking into the Linux-based alternatives, but for now using VirtualBox has allowed me to return to using a proper OS! :-)

  3. Not an Ubunutu man then Mike? :-)
    I have to say I try linux a few years ago but decided to switch back to XP since my PhD was in engineering (not linux)! Plus I'm too addicted to Matlab, Solidworks, Ansys CFX, Femlab and (dare I admit it) MS Outlook!!
