Friday 25 December 2009

Coal Tits at the bird feeder

I was in the wood on my own yesterday, as Tracy had a cold. I spent a few hours felling some smaller trees in Sweep Wood (didn't want to try anything complicated while working alone), but also found time to go and top up the bird feeder back in Chestnut Coppice. A good job too - it was nearly empty! I filled it and settled in about 15m away to see who came to eat - and was rewarded by several Coal Tits within two minutes! It was overcast, so there wasn't enough light for great pictures, but here's what I got:
Walking back I found this weird fungi growing on some dead wood. Not sure what it is, but it was jelly-like:
And finally, back at home, here's what happens when it rains, seeing as the drains are blocked up by sand:
That's all for now, we're back in the woods most days in the coming week though...


1 comment:

  1. Bad luck with a cold on Christmas day Tracy - hope you recover soon.

    Have a good Yuletide and continue with your fascinating accounts of what happens in the woods.

    Best to you both for 2010.

