Friday 1 January 2010

New Year snow

We woke up to snow this morning. Not a lot, but enough to be worth having a walk round the wood. Here's a selection of photos in and around Sweep Wood (my parents' patch):
And here's a few views in Chestnut Coppice and the wayleave:
As we passed through, I noticed that the culvert under our main ride had got blocked:
A quick poke around with a stick soon fixed that though:
After topping up the bird feeder we went back over to Sweep Wood to do a bit of work, although we kept the chainsaws off so as not to disturb people having a New Year's Day walk in the woods. We found last year's fire still smouldering, and soon got it going again so we could make a hot drink at lunchtime.
We got on with building another log rack, and splitting some logs left from yesterday's work.
While we had lunch a number of birds passed through the area - they seem to enjoy the space we've created, with opportunities to find food and a clear view to watch out for predators. The blackbirds have been getting progressively tamer, here's a female one that was digging for food just a short distance away:
Our old favourite was there too of course. He's called Rob One - there's also a Rob Two and Rob Three, who have territories further into the wood. You can actually tell them apart from their different behaviours!
All in all, a pleasant way to spend New Year's Day.


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