Saturday 20 February 2010

Back to the woods again

We made it to the woods today for the first time in ages! We weren't working, but were meeting someone who wanted to buy some of the Hazel we'd felled in Sweep Wood over the winter. We're going up to work tomorrow, so will have some more pictures to come after that.

Spring is definitely in the air, but before we come to that, take a look at what this Great Tit found:
I'd noticed this hollow when I felled the tree, and though it would probably be a nice feature for the wildlife - I'm pleased to see that it is!

OK, signs of Spring (all photos from Sweep Wood, just up the hill from Chestnut Coppice)...

Hazel catkins:
Snowdrops (garden escapees?):
Elder leaves growing:
Bluebells pushing their way up:

I think the growth of the plants will start to accelerate soon, although there could be a bit more snow to come first...


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