Wednesday 31 March 2010

21 five year olds and a lot of water!

We had 21 four and five year olds visit the wood this week.

Can you spot them among the trees?

They had a range of activities planned for the day.

Bug hunting (see bees, bumble bees, butterflies and a variety of other insects)
Observational drawing
Treasure hunting for interesting leaves and sticks!
Toasting marshmallows
and due to a huge amount of water, lots of boats and dam building and some very very wet, muddy and delighted little people.

They even built a castle. Here they are collecting hazel sticks for the walls and doors.

Good enough to sleep in? They are coming back in the summer to put on a roof.....

What great children, with such a love for nature. I wish I could publish more photos of their delighted faces. Those of you that know the school, I guess you could check the school website for pictures from time to time!

The weather held out for us for most of the day and was even sunny til the last moment. Then we got soaked. How many people can you fit in our shelter? 21 children and 7 adults ;-)

Really looking forward to the next visit

1 comment:

  1. Crikey they must be skinny little things. I can only see about seven !

    I bet they had a great time.:-)
