Saturday 3 April 2010

Signs of Spring

Here's some assorted photos taken over the past couple of weeks, showing the Spring is finally arriving - a few weeks later than last year!

Two weeks ago the wood anemones were just raising their heads:
They're out now, and if we go up to the wood this weekend I'll get some photos.

Other flowers are coming out too. Over in Sweep Wood Tracy saw Daffodils and Lesser Celandine:
the snowdrops, however, have finished now, and are heavily laden with seed pods:
Buds are coming out on the trees now. Last week the chestnut buds were starting to split and show a hint of green:
and the same is happening to our fruit trees:
and also the mystery plum tree in Sweep Wood:
We were pleased to see that at least some of the sheltered oak seedlings have got through the winter as well - you can just about see the buds at the bottom of this shelter:
The bramble and nettles are getting going
and the whole wood is looking generally green:
There's a lot of wildlife activity too, especially male pheasants making themselves heard (and seen):
and some active digging at a badger sett in Sweep Wood:
Hopefully we'll have some more springtime pictures for you in the next couple of days...


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