Tuesday 11 May 2010

The Recycled House

A couple of our friends, John and Helen, have taken on a huge project for 2010. In their own words:
The "recycled house" is a renovation project we started in January 2010, taking a 1960's detached house - an ex-Police house in East Sussex - as our starting point. The house has a good footprint, a reasonably large garden and potential for a garden studio. The objective of the project is to create a sustainable contemporary house, with as much re-use, recycling and freecycling of materials as possible, using local contractors and suppliers, no skips and as little as possible going to landfill. In part our inspiration for this project is the fact that there is a huge amount of existing housing in the UK which is unaffected by government targets for building more efficient new homes, and we wanted to prove that it is possible to create efficient homes from old housing stock.
Here's a couple of pictures from their website, of the solar PV installed, and me chainsawing some trees in the garden - the wood will of course be used to heat their home!Make sure to visit their website to find out more: www.therecycledhouse.info


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