Wednesday 2 June 2010

Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy: 2010 Conference

Local solutions to climate change: the 2010 Ashden Awards Imperial College Conference

Every year the charity I work for, The Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, runs a conference in conjunction with Imperial College in London. It's the only opportunity to see films and presentations from all of this year's finalists, who are from the UK and developing countries.

This year it's on Wed 30th June 2010, and the Royal Geographic Society in London, and best of all, it's free! To read more about it and register, visit this page:

Here's the blurb:
Ashden Award winners are finding solutions to poverty and climate change through the clever use of local sustainable energy. In June this year’s winners will be in London to share their success at our conference which will be opened by Professor Sir Peter Knight of Imperial College and includes:
  • 2010 international and UK winners – films, presentations and Q&A sessions.
  • Carbon finance – Is it the way forward? Panel debate chaired by Anya Sitaram of BBC World News with panellists including Mike Mason, Founder of Climate Care and Sarah-Jayne Clifton of Friends of the Earth and author of the report ‘A Dangerous Obsession’.
  • New politics - Does blue and yellow make green? A conversation with Jonathon Porritt, a senior government Minister and Ashden Award winners about the role that local sustainable energy solutions could play in a tough fiscal future.
International presentations will be in the morning, UK in the afternoon. Numbers are limited so tickets are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Hope to see you there!


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