Saturday 24 July 2010

St Mary's Ecology Group visits the wood

I hosted a visit from St Mary's Ecology Group (from Rye) to the wood today. I'd been to talk to them a while ago about Peak Oil and related issues, and had mentioned the woodland, and they've been waiting to visit ever since!
We took a couple of hours to walk around the wood, visiting the wayleave, the footpath, the pond and various other spots. It was striking to see the difference between the growth in the areas we've coppiced and the other parts of the wood:
There were lots of butterflies, but I just photographed one, as it was the first time I've had a chance to inside our wood - a silver Washed Fritillary:
I'm told they the group enjoyed the visit, and I certainly enjoyed walking round the wood without doing jobs for a change - though I do enjoy the work as well!


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