Wednesday 1 December 2010

More snow in the woods!

It's times like this I'm glad we have a Land Rover Defender (the times when I'm not are when it breaks down). Here's the view in the woods today:

The roads getting there had some snow on them, but not a great deal, though we did stop to help some people move a crashed car out of the middle of the road! Nobody hurt, they'd just gone straight on at a corner and hit a telegraph pole, breaking one of the wheels pretty much off! We managed to lift/bounce the car out of the road.

Here's a video taken as we drove through the woods:

We weren't felling today, just collecting logs and processing some more to fill up the store. We've burned about half a store's worth now, and the other half is stored back at home, so we've been refilling it ready for later in the winter.

We loaded our cutting rack twice and stowed all the wood into the shelter:


It's now a bit over half full again, and we've got plenty at home too.

The Defender looks funny with a snow drift on the bonnet:

As the heat from the engine melted some of the snow, the water ran down and made icicles - a sure sign that the air temperature was sub-zero!

We put out some food for the birds, and this Robin came along pretty quickly:

We heard these geese before we saw them. They were heading north, presumably to somewhere they hope to find food...

We've got plenty more year-old logs stacked up and covered:

and over in Sweep Wood there's freshly cut logs, waiting for winter 2012/13:

We went for a wander around the woods, where snow had stuck everywhere it could to the trees:


and even heaped up on top of posts:

The paths through the wood are looking quite picturesque:




The sign for Sweep Wood had a decorative edging of snow:

Here's the path leading through to the area we're coppicing this winter:

Some of the Hazel along it still has a few leaves - it's quite bizarre seeing green leaves with snow on them:

Our work area has a good coating of snow:

Hopefully we'll get to do some more felling next time we visit, if it's not too bitterly cold.

Oh, and we've just been for a walk round Rye, where another couple of inches of snow has now come down, and is still falling!


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