Sunday 20 February 2011

Spring is getting closer...

Although it was raining yesterday, we went briefly to the wood anyway, just to walk around and have a look at stuff. I took a few pics of the signs of spring approaching, though just with my mobile phone, so the quality isn't great. Here's the most obvious one: snowdrops, at the top of Sweep Wood

As you can see, it was a pretty murky day:

But I guess that's ideal for the plants - mild and wet. There's lots of thistles coming up where we coppiced a year ago, which will be good for the insects when they flower:

and nettles are regrowing fast as well - must remember to take some to eat this time!

Compared to two weeks ago, the Bluebells and Lords and Ladies where we've just been coppicing are also coming on well:


and there's a carpet of greenery appearing - I think I could see the leaves of Wood Anemone here, and there was Dogs Mercury and possibly Lesser Celandine in other spots.

Finally, over in Grist Wood, there's been some more coppicing going on. This is near the patch we've just done, so should create a really nice patchwork effect of older coppice and regrowth, so benefiting the wildlife. I'm looking forward to seeing it growing soon...



  1. Hi Mike, I can't believe how much further ahead the nettles and blue bells are with you.
    Even though we are 400 miles south of you in SW france and it's about 3 weeks since you took your photos ours are still not at the same stage of development.
    It's great to see the woods coming to life though isn't it.

  2. I'm about to upload some pics taken today, so have a look to see the latest...
