Saturday 8 October 2011

Finished moving last year's logs!

We've finally finished moving all of last year's logs away from the felling area!

By moving them now, they're a lot lighter than when we felled them (they've seasoned, as we split or striped them straight after felling), and we've also avoided doing damage to the tracks, as they're dry. In fact, I'm not sure we'd even have made it up some of the hills if they'd been muddy!

The trailer has worked very well for moving logs, as it's light enough to turn round and push up the hill rather than having to try and reverse it, and it takes our 2m logs no problem.

My parents were visiting last week, and we had a lot of help from my Dad with the logs:


Tracy and I moved some other wood too, such as another big chunk of this Sycamore to use to make a table in the camp area (my brother and I moved one earlier too):

There were also some logs to make into stools as well (see the timelapse video of one being made):

We also had some longer logs that we wanted to move for use in future projects, and I found we could easily drag them along with the car, using a ratchet strap to fasten them to the tow bar:




They're all back at the camp now, ready for building stuff...

Finally, we've also been busy taking logs home ready for the winter, and the firewood store is full! These are all 2-year old logs, so will be nice and dry.
DSC_8992 Full firewood store


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