Friday 6 April 2012

Easter butterflies

Well at least one day of the Easter weekend was sunny - and here's some butterflies to prove it. First, the always familiar Peacock:
DSC_3696 Peacock butterfly

There were also a few Commas around:
DSC_3780 Comma butterfly

And this one, which had me puzzled until I realised it was a moth - it's an Orange Underwing:
DSC_3777 Orange Underwing moth

Plenty of other wildlife around as well, like pesky rabbits:
DSC_3682 Rabbit

and a nice little Robin:
DSC_3685 Robin

DSC_3688 Robin

While we were up there we had friends drop in for a freshly made bacon sandwich lunch, and then headed off to to some finishing touches to the EWB bridge that was built recently - just fastening down some chicken wire so the deck doesn't get slippery in the rain:
DSC_3763 bridge

DSC_3764 bridge

Weather looks a bit cloudy or wet for the rest of the weekend, so glad we made the most of it today!


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