Thursday 17 May 2012

Nightingales return to our woodland!

Nightingales love coppice with a couple of years' growth, as it gives the thick, bushy foliage they like for nesting. They'd not been seen for some years in our woods, so we were delighted to see one in Sweep Wood yesterday, in an area we coppiced just voer two years ago! Here's a video of it singing - you can't see it, but at least you can hear its song.

Looking down the path from the top of the hill there is really great right now:



1 comment:

  1. Lovely to hear. We also started recoppicing our wood - not a million miles away from yours - about 8 years ago. Although progress has been slow this year I too have heard nightingales. One accompanied me for a whole half day a week or two back as I made charcoal. Lovely.
