Monday 25 June 2012

Normal service resumed in the woods!

After the Awards Week at work, riding the South Downs Way, having family visiting and our rainy June weather, we are finally getting back to the woods again!

There's an area of trees that have blown over in Sweep Wood over the past month or two, so we're clearing them up. Some were already dead, and will be left to rot for bugs to live in, but they all need to come down to make them safe.


While doing it, we were also looking for some straight poles to use in upgrading the roof of one of our firewood stores later this summer. We marked a few other stems in Chestnut Coppice to use for this too:

These are now ready to cleave to make slats for the new roof:

Meanwhile, everything's been growing! Here's a couple of pics from a few weeks ago in Sweep Wood, in the area that we coppiced in 2010/11. As you can see, it's turned into a jungle!


The foxgloves are back too:

But aside from the work, there's also been time to relax and cook some dinner up there as well!


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