Saturday 1 September 2012

Another woodland camping trip!

This week we had my brother Andy and his family come and visit, here he is with Rachel and Joshua...

and here's Chloe, with a case for carrying captured bugs in for later study...

Despite the mixed weather, we actually had quite a bit of sunshine, even enough to need sunglasses some days!

A lot of time was spent sitting or playing in the woods, and eating food cooked up there:


There was also time to practise some woodland skills:

and do some metal detecting too, which turned up the remains of an old billhook:
DSC_4493 remains of an old billhook

Andy and I camped over a night with Josh and Chloe, while Tracy and Rachel went back to their warm beds.

Of course, the kids were sensible and went to sleep soon after 7pm, while Andy and I stayed up late drinking beer round the camp fire. But we all had to get up at 6am... at least we saw a nice sunrise!



We left the tent up, which was a good job as later in the week we went up for the day, and used it to shelter during a couple of brief rain showers... (Rachel's brother Andrew had joined us by this point too)


The rain didn't last long, and then it was time for Josh and Chloe to cover their ears...

while they watched me chainsaw some logs!

Chloe was particularly excited by the whole thing:

After cutting up the logs, we were surprised to find a toad had been hiding under them - good job the chainsaw cuts were quite far apart, or it could have been messy...
DSC_4518 Toad

DSC_4519 Toad

We didn't actually see any wild boar, but there's certainly some evidence of them around, such as over in my friend Alex's wood:
DSC_4523 Hole dug by wild boar

The rest of the week was taken up with visits to the beach and also the observatory at Herstmonceux, where I hope to go back in an evening to try out the big telescopes...


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