Sunday 7 October 2012

Herstmonceux Observatory open evening

Last night we went over to a Herstmoncuex Observatory open evening. If you're even just remotely interested in astronomy or space, this is well worth a visit. All the usual hands-on science displays and exhibits are open - these are great for kids, but I quite enjoy them myself too.
DSC_4543 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

DSC_4544 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

Of course, they do look a bit weird lit in red lights! This is necessary to avoid ruining your night vision, which you'll be needing when it comes to looking through telescopes...
DSC_4545 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

Outdoors, the courtyard is also lit in red, though you may still want to bring a torch - red ones preferred, of course!
DSC_4551 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

The real treat is looking through the big telescopes. Some of these are up to 150 years old, but have been restored to working order and are still much, much bigger than anything you could have at home in your garden!
DSC_4556 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

DSC_4553 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

DSC_4554 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

They used to be part of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, and were moved to Herstmonceux when the the light pollution got too bad in London. Of course, the same happened here due to Eastbourne, and the RGO is on an island overseas somewhere now.

As well as these, out in the courtyard are lots of telescopes of varying designs and sizes, provided by the local astronomy club and its members. These are all pointing at various interesting points in the sky, and available for visitors to look through:
DSC_4561 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

I tried taking a few photos of the sky with my camera, and got this one of Cassiopeia:
DSC_4564 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

The Milky Way is running vertically through the centre of this one, though you'll probably have to take my word for it!
DSC_4565 Hersmonceux Observatory open evening

It all takes me back to before we had the woodland, when I had time to do my own astrophotography in the back garden - here's a few of my best pictures...

Orion Nebula:
Orion Nebula 2Mar2010

saturn 03May07

Jupiter 09Jan2011b

The Moon:
Moon, taken with SkyWatcher Explorer 200

Maybe I'll get back into this one day, but it'll probably have to wait till I retire!


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