Wednesday 12 December 2012

Christmas in the woods

At the weekend we were invited over to the woodland belonging to our friends Rod and Heather for a Christmas gathering. It was pretty chilly, but Rod had prepared a roaring fire for us to gather around:

He'd also provided alternative festive seating... yes, it really was strong enough to sit on!

Heather had laid a table out with food and drink, and even decorated a tree!

The local wildlife arrived...
DSC_5189 Robin

...and promptly decided that the human food looked more interesting than the bird food!
DSC_5203 Cheeky Robin

We had various other birds visit, but the light was a bit poor to get many photos, though I did manage this one of a Greater Spotted Woodpecker at a distance:
DSC_5217 Greater Spotted Woodpecker

All in all a fun afternoon, and thanks for the mince pies and mulled wine!


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