Thursday 17 January 2013

In the woods before sunrise

I've been waiting ages for it to be frosty enough to drive into the woods and collect logs without making mud, so when I woke up yesterday and saw from our weather monitor that it was -6C in the garden, I got dressed immediately, de-iced the car and set off for the woods, arriving well before sunrise:
DSC_5516 sunrise in the woods

The ground was rock hard from the frost:
DSC_5524 frost

Just over half an hour later, I was ready to head back home again:
DSC_5517 logs

But as the sun was now just glinting through the trees...
DSC_5525 sunrise in the woods

I paused to get some photos of the finished drainage ditch. Last time I posted pictures of it, it was just a pipe in a ditch that was slowly filling with water. Well, on a subsequent visit I was pleased to see the ditch had filled to the point of draining out of the low end:
DSC_5484 drainage culvert

So I'd extended the end of it:
DSC_5487 drainage culvert

allowing it to drain out:
DSC_5488 drainage culvert

A lot of digging later, it finally looked like it did yesterday:
DSC_5521 woodland track

Here's the outflow:
DSC_5522  drainage culvert

And here's a ditch on the uphill side to collect water - we'll extend this further when we have time:
DSC_5523 drainage

Anyway, it held up nicely with the car and trailer of logs going over it, so hopefully that's the job done, and the mud can now start to dry out, once it's thawed.


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