Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year sunset 2013

After the seemingly endless rain of 2012, it was great for the first day of 2013 to be wall-to-wall sunshine! We went for a walk down to Rye Harbour Nature Reserve at sunset and got a few pics on the walk to the sea...
DSC_5471 Sunset at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

DSC_5470 Sunset at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

DSC_5468 Sunset at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

DSC_5467 Sunset at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

We also made it to the wood briefly, just one photo from there, but an important one: a Blue Tit. We've not seen them in the woods at the feeder this winter, and were wondering why, but this one was over in Sweep Wood. Not sure if there are fewer of them, or if they are just in different parts of the wood for some reason...
DSC_5457 Blue Tit in woodland

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. Beautifully caught sunset, especially with the reflections - essence of a fine RH winter day!
