Wednesday 3 April 2013

First woodland BBQ of 2013

On Easter Monday we actually had our first BBQ in the woods, with our friends Jon and Louise visiting with their girls!
DSC_6088 BBQ in the woods

Yes, it was cold, but OK while the sun was out, and we had a fire burning as well... We also had various activities going on - Tracy and I had spent the morning moving logs on the arbor trolley:
DSC_6068 moving logs on a stein arbor trolley

DSC_6071 moving logs on a stein arbor trolley

The logs were loaded into the cutting racks and strapped down:
DSC_6074 logs

Tracy then got busy with the camera and got some good shots! First, adjusting the chain tension on the chainsaw:
DSC_6075 adjusting the chainsaw

Then cutting up the logs:
DSC_6077 chainsawing logs

DSC_6078 chainsawing logs

DSC_6081 chainsawing logs

As you can see, she didn't let a few saw chips get in her way!

There was some hand-sawing as well, with Megan and Mia getting involved:
DSC_6093 Sawing a log

They were helping Jon cut a piece off a seasoned birch log, that we then proceeded to make into a mallet. Here's Jon using a side axe to start trimming the handle down:


You can see Jon's finished mallet here. There'll be a video on how to make a mallet coming shortly...

We also had a wander round the woods to look for signs of Spring. First up is some swelling buds on our fruit trees - maybe this year it won't rain continuously while the blossom is there, so the bees can actually get out and pollinate...

Then over in my friend Alex's wood, which faces closer to south than ours, we saw our first Wood Anemones of the year!


The whole woodland floor over there is looking much greener with the bluebells coming up...
DSC_6096 Woodland stream in Spring

DSC_6097 Woodland in Spring

Looking forward to a full show of Wood Anemones soon!


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