Monday 29 July 2013

Clearing the wayleave

As always, summer has brought rapid growth from the plants at the edge of the wayleave, and hence the need to cut them back so vehicles can get through easily. Not having a brushcutter, and given there are smaller trees as well as brambles and bracken, we tackled the job with chainsaws...
DSC_6857 Wayleave clearance

It's hard work, you sometimes have to be at awkward angles...
DSC_6859 Wayleave clearance

DSC_6868 Wayleave clearance

You also end up with huge mounds of foliage to move as well...
DSC_6860 Wayleave clearance

On the plus side, with some sunshine the butterflies are out in force - we saw several today, here's a pic of a White Admiral:
DSC_6697 White Admiral Butterfly

Hopefully out cutting will last through August now, but that'll depend on how fast the plants grow back!


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