Monday 26 August 2013

August in the woods: logs and bugs

Thankfully it's been much sunnier this summer than last year, and there have been some good opportunities to photograph insects in the wayleave. I was particularly pleased with this shot of a male Souther Hawker dragonfly:
DSC_6948 Southern Hawker dragonfly

I got some more of another type of dragonfly too, but not sure what type it is:
DSC_6926 dragonfly

DSC_6922 dragonfly

DSC_6916 dragonfly

Butterflies are also back in reasonable numbers, such as this Meadow Brown:
DSC_6920 Meadow Brown butterfly

and this White Admiral (which was near our camp, rather than in the wayleave):
DSC_6937 White Admiral butterfly

We've made use of the dry weather to finish moving logs back from further parts of the woods to near the camp:
DSC_6949 logs in trailer

DSC_6954 log stack

We also squeezed a few chunky holly logs into the car to fill up the last little space in the firewood store at home:
DSC_6957 cut and split logs

Finally, here's a few views of sunshine in the woods, which was quite rare last year!
DSC_6943 Woodland path

DSC_6876 Woodland

DSC_6873 Woodland

We've also have a few camping weekends, photos to come shortly from the most recent one...


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