Tuesday 3 September 2013

Coppicing in the sunshine

I had a nice spot for lunch yesterday:
DSC_7012 oak tree

One of the advantages of the current dry weather is that we can park the car right next to where we're working, so everything's at hand and I can also sit on the back of the car when taking a break...
DSC_7017 coppicing

The coppicing work progressed steadily yesterday, still with a fair number of small stems, but some bigger ones in there too.
DSC_7025 coppicing

The area we've cut has extended round the side of the large brash pile now - we're avoiding burning brash where possible this year, to leave more for the wildlife and also save a bit of time. But it's only possible when there's a convenient place to dump it.
DSC_7029 coppicing

DSC_7033 coppicing

As a result of the larger stems I cut yesterday, the log stack has rapidly filled up:
DSC_7030 logs

DSC_7035 logs

That's about a quarter of the minimum we need to cut for our own winter heating use in 2015/16 done already! I also found a few potential sections my Dad could use for making walking sticks, so they're safely stored until his next visit:
DSC_7023 walking sticks

Looking forward to my next visit, when I'll probably need to build another log rack...


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