Friday 6 December 2013

High tide flooding in Rye

I went down to the quay this lunchtime to see how high the tide got... It was the highest I've ever seen it, though a I guy I was talking to said he'd been there at 1am last night and it had been at least a foot higher. Here's a short video, and then some pics:

DSC_0292 flooding in Rye

DSC_0287 High tide flooding in Rye

DSC_0284 High tide flooding in Rye

Apparently last night this car was covered up to the top of the wheels:
DSC_0293 car drying our after flooding

How or why they'd managed to park this side of the flood barriers I don't know... I guess the windows are open to help it dry out! I was told that the water had been spraying through the flood barrier wall here, where it was still accumulating at high tide today:
DSC_0291 Water seeping during high tide in Rye

The evidence of this could still be seen - silt on the pavement:
DSC_0290 Silt after flooding in Rye

There was also some seepage going on today:
DSC_0286 Water seeping during high tide in Rye

And the flood barriers were still closed:
DSC_0294 Rye flood barriers

Glad it wasn't any worse!


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