Saturday 4 January 2014

Stormy seas at Rye Harbour

We wandered down to Rye Harbour Nature Reserve recently, to see how the repairs were getting on after the storm surge in early Dec 2013 - we were pleased to see that after just a couple of weeks it was all back in place:
DSC_7625 Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

DSC_7627 Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

DSC_7629 Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

Given how it looked earlier, that's very impressive!
DSC_7582 Storm surge damage at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

Mind you, given that the materials they've repaired it with are the same as those washed away, it's only a matter of time before it happens again I guess... As if to underline this point, the sea looked pretty ferocious for the English Channel:
DSC_7679 Waves at Rye Harbour beach

DSC_7670 Waves at Rye Harbour beach

DSC_7668 Waves at Rye Harbour beach

DSC_7666 Waves at Rye Harbour beach

DSC_7664 Waves at Rye Harbour beach

Not that these little Turnstones were complaining - they were dodging the waves to look for food that might be washed up:
DSC_7685 Turnstone

DSC_7672 Turnstone

The beach had certainly shifted during the storm - there was a new 8-foot depression in the shingle which hadn't been there before...
DSC_7690 shingle beach after a storm

I hope it's a long time before we get another flood like that, but with sea levels creeping up a few mm per year, and extreme weather becoming ever more common, it might come again sooner than we'd like...


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